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EE: EPROM Memory Chip Loading Malfunction


Safety Note: Before any component is electrically disconnected in the unit, shut off main power. Inverter board DC bus voltage can take up to 15 min to discharge.

Caution: Do not plug or unplug components while electrical power is present, this can damage the equipment and control boards.

Step 1: Check the Temp Sensor

  • Examine the temperature sensor (Temp Sensor) for any signs of damage or irregularities. Ensure that the sensor is securely connected and that its wiring is intact.

  • Verify that the temperature sensor is providing accurate readings within the expected range. Refer to the system's specifications for the correct temperature values.

  • If the temperature sensor is faulty or reading incorrect values, consider replacing it with a new sensor that meets the manufacturer's specifications.


Step 2: Check the Outdoor Board

  • Inspect the outdoor control board for any visible signs of damage, such as burnt components, damaged traces, or loose connections.

  • Check the EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) chip on the outdoor board for proper loading and functioning. Look for any issues that may affect the loading process.

  • If there are issues with the EPROM chip loading, consult the system's technical documentation or contact the manufacturer for guidance on reloading or replacing the EPROM chip.

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