EE: EPROM Memory Chip Loading Malfunction
Safety Note: Before any component is electrically disconnected in the unit, shut off main power. Inverter board DC bus voltage can take up to 15 min to discharge.
Caution: Do not plug or unplug components while electrical power is present, this can damage the equipment and control boards.
Step 1: Check the Temp Sensor
Examine the temperature sensor (Temp Sensor) for any signs of damage or irregularities. Ensure that the sensor is securely connected and that its wiring is intact.
Verify that the temperature sensor is providing accurate readings within the expected range. Refer to the system's specifications for the correct temperature values.
If the temperature sensor is faulty or reading incorrect values, consider replacing it with a new sensor that meets the manufacturer's specifications.
Step 2: Check the Outdoor Board
Inspect the outdoor control board for any visible signs of damage, such as burnt components, damaged traces, or loose connections.
Check the EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) chip on the outdoor board for proper loading and functioning. Look for any issues that may affect the loading process.
If there are issues with the EPROM chip loading, consult the system's technical documentation or contact the manufacturer for guidance on reloading or replacing the EPROM chip.